Biographical sketch Dr. h. c. Rolf Derpsch

Born in Chile from German parents in 1937, Rolf Derpsch has the Chilean and the German nationality.

He studied agronomy at the Universidad de Chile in Santiago and the Instituto Superior de Agricultura Adolfo Matthei in Osorno, Chile, and obtained a M.Sc. degree from the University of Reading, UK.

He has worked for GTZ, the German Agency for Technical Cooperation from 1966 to 2001. Between 1977 and 1984 he worked as Team Leader of the Soil Conservation Project at the Research Institute of Paraná, IAPAR, in Londrina, Brazil. From 1993 to 2001 he worked as Senior Advisor to the MAG - GTZ Soil Conservation Project, which was a joint venture between the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Paraguay and GTZ. Since September 2001 he is working as Freelance Consultant.

He has working experience in Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Honduras, Colombia, Cuba, Somalia and Germany. He was among the first to research the No-tillage technology in Brazil and Latin America in 1971.

His areas of specialization are:

  • Conservation agriculture
  • No-tillage and conservation tillage
  • Development and diffusion of sustainable agricultural production systems with permanent soil cover
  • Green manure cover crops and crop rotations
  • Agricultural research, development of production systems for small farmers and mechanised agriculture
  • On farm research and technology development
  • Preventive wind and water erosion control as well as preventive control of desertification
  • Agricultural extension (diff. target groups, indigenous communities)
  • Rural development planning
  • Management of international projects

He speaks, reads and writes German, Spanish, English and Portuguese fluently, and has a fair knowledge of French and Italian.

He is author/ co- author of 68 publications from 1990 to present.

Curriculum vitae

Personal data

Name: Dr. h. c. Rolf Wolfgang Derpsch
Address: Casilla de Correo 13223
Shopping del Sol

Phone: (595-21) 609717
Fax: (595-21) 609717
Marital status Married to Anke Derpsch
Children: Susanne Carmen, born 1973
Grandchildren: Isabel Sophie Seitz, born 2005, Philipp Rafael Seitz, born 2007
Nationality: German
Born: in Santiago, Chile, 14 December, 1937

Education / Titles

1985 - 1986 University of Reading, England
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
in Agricultural Extension
1958 - 1959 Instituto Superior de Agricultura,
Adolfo Matthei,
Osorno, Chile, (B. Sc.)
Allgemeine Landwirtschaft, Management
1955 - 1957 Universidad de Chile, Santiago

On October 4th 2010 he has been awarded an honorary doctorate by Universidad San Carlos (Asunción - PY).

Areas of specialisation

  • Conservation agriculture
  • No-tillage and conservation tillage
  • Development and diffusion of sustainable agricultural production systems with permanent soil cover
  • Green manure cover crops and crop rotations
  • Agricultural research, development of production systems for small farmers and mechanised agriculture
  • On farm research and technology development
  • Preventive wind and water erosion control as well as preventive control of desertification
  • Agricultural extension (different target groups, including small farmers and indigenous communities)
  • Rural development planning
  • Management of international projects of technical cooperation


  • German (mother tongue)
  • Spanish (mother tongue)
  • English (very good)
  • Portuguese (very good)
  • French (fair)
  • Italian(fair)

Membership of professional societies

  • International Soil Tillage Research Organisation, ISTRO (Board member of ISTRO)
  • World Association of Soil and Water Conservation, WASWC
  • Soil and Water Conservation Society, SWCS
  • Sociedade Brasiliera de Ciencia do Solo, SBCS
  • Red Latinoamericana de Agricultura Conservacionista, RELACO
  • Deutsche Landwirtschafts- Gesellschaft, DLG

Countries of work experience

Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Honduras, Colombia, Cuba, Somalia, South Africa, Tajikistan, North Korea, Australia and Germany

Employment record

Since September 2001: Freelance Consultant (see above areas of specialization)
May 1993 to August 2001
GTZ, German Agency for Technical Cooperation Project Manager, Soil Conservation Project Eastern Paraguay, San Lorenzo.
1992/ 93 Paraguay: GTZ, Senior Expert at the Central Chaco Experiment Station Soil Management, Wind Erosion Control, Windbreak Project.
1988/ 91 Paraguay: GTZ, Senior Expert at the San Pedro Norte Rural Development Project, Research and Development in Soil Management.
1987/ 88 Germany: GTZ, Senior Expert at GTZ headquaters in Eschborn, detailed Project Planning. Publication of research results from Brazil. Short term consultant to Honduras (Soil management in a food for work project).
1985/ 86 England: Reading University, M.Sc. Course
1977/ 84 Brazil: Project Manager, GTZ Soil Conservation Project at the Paraná Research Institute IAPAR in Londrina.
1975/ 77 Brazil: Kurt A. Becher Bremen, Germany
Technical Advisor of Agroindustrial Projects, São Paulo, Deputy Director.
1973/ 75 Germany: GTZ
Senior Expert at GTZ headquaters in Eschborn, Project Planning. Short term consultancy to Bolivia (Wind erosion control) and Argentina (Project feasibility study).
1968/ 72 Brazil: GTZ (GAWI), Senior Expert in Soil Management at the IPEAME Research Institute in Curitiba and Londrina, Paraná.
1967 Germany: GTZ (GAWI), Junior Expert at GTZ headquaters in Frankfurt, training program.
1966 Somalia: GTZ (GAWI), Junior Expert at the Experiment Station Afgoi.
1965 Germany: Post Graduate Studies at the German Foundation for International Development, DSE, Witzenhausen.
1962/ 64 Chile: Enrique Geisse Management of a farm with diversified production systems in Rio Negro, Osorno.
1961/ 62 Chile: Nestlé (Chiprodal), Osorno
Extension Service, Technical adviser to farmers.


  • Bolivia, 1974, Wind erosion, (Kienbaum Unternehmensberatung)
  • Argentina, 1975, Feasibility Study, Misiones (GTZ)
  • Honduras, 1987, Food for Worik, (SECPLAN/COOHAT).
  • Colombia, 1999, Proyecto Checua, Erosion Control (CAR/GTZ)
  • Cuba, 2001, Desertification Control, Rio Checua, CITMA
  • South Africa, 2003, Conservation Agriculture, FAO
  • Tajikistan, 2003, Conservation Agriculture, FAO
  • North Korea, 2004, Conservation Agriculture, FAO
  • Australia, 2005, Sustainable No-Tillage Systems, WANTFA

Invited speaker to

  • Key speaker, Conservation Agriculture Awareness Event, Grains South Africa, 14 – 15 August 2013, Pretoria, South Africa.
  • Key speaker, Conservation Agriculture Conference by the Research and Development Services, Department of Agriculture, Government of the Western Cape, 8 August 2013, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Key speaker, III Reunião Paranaense de Ciência do Solo Londrina, Paraná, 7 – 9 May 2013, Brazil.
  • Key speaker, Symposium Mulch- und Direktsaat,  Gutsverwaltung Esterhazy, Seehof, Donnerskirchen, 25 June  2013, Austria.
  • 5th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, IAD Institut de l’Agriculture Durable, Paris, 23 January 2013, France.
  • Key speaker, Conservation Agriculture and Controlled Traffic Farming Conferences, Modesto, Five Points and Bakersfield CA., 28 - 30 August 2012, USA.
  • Key speaker, No-till on the Plains Winter Conference, Salina, Kansas, 25 January 2012, USA.
  • Key speaker, Soil Health Workshop, Burleigh County Soil Conservation District, Bismarck, North Dakota, 18 January 2012, USA.
  • Speaker World Food Prize Borlaug Dialog International Symposium, Des Moines, Iowa, 12 – 14 October 2011, USA.
  • Key speaker, Symposium Mulch- und Direktsaat Seitenstätten, Niederösterreich, 17 August 2011, Austria.
  • No-till on the Plains International WEBINAR in Collaboration with GEOAGRO, worldwide, 12 January 2011, Paraguay.
  • Key speaker, Symposium Mulch- und Direktsaat Hollabrunn 11 August 2010, Austria.
  • Key speaker, Arbeitskreis „Ackerbau ohne Pflug Baden Württemberg“, Tübingen, 25 June 2010, Germany.
  • Key speaker, Jornada de manejo de rastrojos en Cero Labranza Chequén, Concepción, 29 April 2010, Chile.
  • FAO/AGP Seminar and FAO/TCI Investment Days, Rome, 14 - 16 December 2009, Italy.
  • Invited speaker, 1er Simposio Paraguayo de Manejo y Conservación de Suelos (29–30 octubre, 2009), Obligado, Itapúa, Paraguay
  • Key speaker, Oberwinkler Direktsaattage GKB Oberwinkel 10 June 2009, Germany.
  • Lead Paper, 4th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, New Delhi, 4 – 7 February 2009, India.
  • Key speaker, 1st International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, IAD Institut de l’Agriculture Durable, Paris, 10 December 2008, France.
  • Invited speaker “Conservation Agriculture” at GTZ headquarters, 31 July, 2008, Eschborn, Germany .
  • FAO Workshop on Investing in Sustainable Crop Intensification: The Case for Improving Soil Health, Rome, 23 – 24 July 2008, Italy.
  • Key speaker, ECAF General Assembly, Dresden, 28 – 30 April 2008, Germany.
  • Invited Lecturer, Conference on Recent  Trends in Conservation Agriculture under Mediterranean Conditions IAMZ-CIHEAM, Zaragoza, 31 March – 4 April, 2008, Spain.
  • Key speaker, Professional Crop Producers Conference of Pennsylvania, State College, PA., 4 - 6 March 2008, USA.
  • Agritechnica, World Soil and Tillage Show Hannover – “Bodenbearbeitung Weltweit”, 15 November 2007, Germany
  • Invited speaker at Conservation Agriculture Event, “Exhibition - Demonstration Russian Field Day”, 2 July 2007, Rostov, Russia.
  • Conservation Agriculture Symposium, CLAAS Machine Manufacturing Co., 7 May 2007, Harsewinkel, Germany.
  • Key speaker, Nebraska No-till Conference 2007, Holdrege & Mead, NE. 6 – 7 February 2007, USA.
  • Key speaker, No-till on the Plains Winter Conference 2007, Salina, Kansas, 30 - 31 January 2007, USA.
  • Key speaker, FarmTech Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, 24 – 26 January 2007, Canada.
  • Key speaker, SWISS NO-TILL Conference “Ressourcen-Schonung mittels Direktsaat”, 19 January 2007, Witzwil, Switzerland.
  • „Journée d’Information sur l’Agriculture Durable et la Semis Direct Avec Couvert Végétal” Chartres, Agen; & Besançon,  15 – 18 January 2007, France.
  • Key speaker, Oberwinkler Direktsaatseminar GKB, Oberwinkel, Sachsen & DSV Bückwitz, Brandenburg, 5 - 7 September 2006, Germany.
  • Key speaker, III World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, 3 – 7 Oktober 2005, Nairobi, Kenia (Opening session)
  • Key speaker, III World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, 3 – 7 Oktober 2005, Nairobi, Kenia (Opening session)
  • Key speaker, 2nd International Conference on Conservation Agriculture / No-till, 17 – 20 August 2005, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.
  • Key speaker, 2005 WANTFA No-till Conference on Rotation and Ryegrass, 7 – 8 Februar 2005, Perth, Australien.
  • Key speaker, Conference on Conservation Agriculture / No-till, 18 – 23 November 2004, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine.
  • Key speaker, 2004 CIGR International Conference Beijing, 11 – 14 Oktober 2004, Beijing, China.
  • Key speaker, XV Reunião Brasileira de Manejo e Conservação do Solo e da Água, 25 – 30 July 2004, UFSM, Santa Maria, RS, Brasilien.
  • Key speaker, Seminario Sustentabilidad de la Producción Agrícola, INTA – JICA, 29 –30 März 2004, Buenos Aires, Argentinien.
  • Key speaker, " XI Congreso de AAPRESID (Asociación Argentina de Productores en Siembra Directa), 26. - 29. August 2003, Rosario, Argentinien
  • Key speaker, " II World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, 11. - 15. August 2003, Iguassu Falls, Brasilien (Adressed the opening session)
  • Key speaker, " Simposio Internacional, Manejo Sustentable de Suelos Chilenos, 18. - 20. Juni 2003, Universidad de Concepción, Chillán, Chile
  • Key speaker, " 6a Reunión de RELACO (Red Latinoamericana de Agricultura de Conservación), 5. - 9. Mai 2003, Havanna, Kuba
  • Key speaker, "No-till under Cover Conference, South Dakota No-till Association", 4 - 5 Februar 2003, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
  • Key speaker, "No-till on The Plains 2003 Winter Conference, "Worth the Change, Economically, Environmentally, Socially", 27 - 28 Januar 2003, Salina, Ks, USA
  • Key speaker, "International Workshop on Sustainable Agriculture", 13 - 18 Oktober 2002, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Key speaker, "25th Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture" 24 - 26 Juni 2002, Auburn, Alabama, USA
  • Key speaker, "8° Encontro Nacional de Plantio Direto na Palha", 17 - 21 Juni 2002, Aguas de Lindoia, São Paulo, Brasilien
  • Key speaker, "No-Till on the Plains Winter Conference", 21. - 22. Januar 2002, Salina, Kansas, USA
  • Key speaker, "10th National No-Tillage Conference"; Sponsored by "No-Till Farmer", 9. - 12. Januar, 2002, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
  • Key speaker, " I World Congress on Conservation. Agriculture", 1 - 5 Oktober 2001, Madrid, Spanien
  • Key speaker, Internationaler Deutscher Tropentag; One World: Research for a better quality of life. Bonn, Oktober 2001, Deutschland
  • Key speaker, "WANTFA´s 9th Annual Conference", 28. 2. 2001, Perth und anderen No-tillage Konferenzen in 4 Staaten von Australien
  • Curso de Siembra Directa de la Prefectura de Cochabamba, 11. 2000, Cochabamba, Bolivien
  • No-tillage World Bank Study Tour 1998, 1999, 2000, Brasilien
  • Curso Siembra Directa PROCISUR, 5. 2000, Cochabamba, Bolivien
  • V Reunión RELACO, FAO, Okt.1999, Florianópolis, Brasilien
  • 7° Congreso Nacional de AAPRESID, August 1999, Mar del Plata, Argentinien
  • 10th ISCO Conference, Mai 1999, West Lafayette, In., USA
  • III Encontro Latinoamericano de Plantio Direto em Pequenas Propriedades, Oktober 1998, Pato Branco, Brasilien
  • VI Encontro Nacional de Plantio Direto na Palha, Juni 1998, Brasilia, Brasilien
  • 1st JIRCAS Seminar on Soybean Research, März 1998, Foz do Iguaçu, Brasilien
  • IV Reunión de RELACO, FAO, Nov. 1997,Morelia, Mexiko
  • 5° Congreso Nacional de AAPRESID, August 1997,Mar del Plata, Argentinien
  • SWCS Cover Crop Conference, März 1997, Sacramento, Ca., USA
  • 5° Encontro Nacional de Plantio Direto na Palha, Juni 1996, Goiânia, Brasilien
  • II Encuentro Latinoamericano de Siembra Directa en Pequeñas Propiedades, März 1996, Edelira, Paraguay
  • Primeras Jornadas Bolivianas de Siembra Directa, Juli 1995, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivien
  • XI Seminário do Plantio Direto de Arroz, Juni 1995, Gramado, Brasilien
  • II Congreso Nacional de Siembra Directa AAPRESID, September 1993, Córdoba, Argentinien


  • Author / Co-author of 27 Publications from 1970 to 1989
  • Author / Co-author of 68 Publications from 1990 to present

List of Publications