WWW Links, Addresses, Contacts
- CTIC (Conservation Tillage Information Center):
http://www.ctic.purdue.edu - FAO, What is Conservation Agriculture?
http://www.fao.org/ag/ca/1a.html - FAO, AGL (Conservation Agriculture):
http://www.fao.org/ag/ca/ - ECAF, European Conservation Agriculture Federation
http://www.ecaf.org - ACT, African Conservation Tillage Network
http://www.act-africa.org/ - No- Till Farmer
http://www.no-tillfarmer.com - USDA- SARE, Info Cover Crops (Andy Clark):
http://www.sare.org - ABLH (Association for Better Land Husbandry)
http://www.landhusbandry.cwc.net - WANFTA (Western Australian No-Tillage Farmers Association)
http://www.wantfa.com.au - Cedar Meadow Farm (Steve & Cheri Groff):
http://www.cedarmeadowfarm.com - WASWC (World Association of Soil and Water Conservation):
http://www.waswc.org - No-Till on the Plains:
http://www.notill.org - Dakota Lakes Research Farm
http://www.dakotalakes.com - Manitoba-North Dakota Zero-Tillage Farmers Association
http://www.mandakzerotill.org - South Dakota No-Till Association
http://www.sdnotill.com - ATNESA, Animal Traction Network for Eastern and Southern Africa
http://www.atnesa.org/contilworkshopcontents.htm - SANTFA (South Australian No-Till Farmers Association)
www.santfa.com.au - Cirad
http://agroecologie.cirad.fr/dmc/parts/invent.php?id=maeda&lang=eng - PennState University, Soil Management
http://soilmanagement.psu.edu/smdefault.cfm - Alberta Reduced Tillage LINKAGES
www.reducedtillage.ca - Cornell University
http://conservationagriculture.mannlib.cornell.edu/index.html - Webinar: The Importance of Quality Continuous No-tillage
http://wikiagro.com/en/Webinar:_The_Importance_of_Quality_Continuous_No-tillage - Cover Crops
- http://www.mandan.ars.usda.gov go to cover crops chart
- http://www.ars.usda.gov/Services/docs.htm?docid=20323
- Greencover Seed - Keith Berns - Cover Crop Strategies for Soil Health
- GKB (Gesellschaft für konservierende Bodenbearbeitung):
http://www.gkb-ev.de - Betrieb Thomas Sander, Oberwinkel, Sachsen:
http://www.infofarm.de/sn/BetriebSander/index.html - Swiss No- Till (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für bodenschonende Landwirtschaft:
http://www.aapresid.org.ar - FAO, AGL (Agricultura de Conservación)
http://www.fao.org/ag/ca/es - FAO Que es la Agricultura de Conservación
- FEBRAPDP (Brazilian No- till Farmers Federation)
http://www.febrapdp.org.br - Revista de Plantio Direto:
http://www.plantiodireto.com.br - Cooperativa dos Agricultores de Plantio Direto
http://www.cooplantio.com.br - EMBRAPA Plataforma Plantio Direto
http://www22.sede.embrapa.br/plantiodireto/ - No-till Expert(e) Dirceu Gassen, Experto en Siembra Directa Dirceu Gassen
http://www.dirceugassen.com - Instituto Agronômico de Campinas IAC
http://www.iac.sp.gov.br/Tecnologias/PlantioDireto/PlantioDireto.htm - Fundação Agrisus – Agricultura Sustentável (Brasil)
http://www.agrisus.org.br - IAPAR Plantio Direto
- Association Suisse pour une agriculture respectueuse du sol
http://www.no-till.ch/Francais/index_f.htm - Cirad
- FAO, AGL (Agriculture de conservation)
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